Netizens - PC & Laptop Sales
We specialize in refurbishing used laptops, and bringing them back to a nearly new state. All laptops and PCs are reset back to factory state. They are deep cleaned, and any faulty parts replaced.
Why pay £100s for a new laptop, when you can buy one from us for £100 or upwards. All our laptops are wireless and will be perfect for accessing the internet, documents, youtube etc.
Our stock changes daily, from £100 laptops to £800 top of the range Core i9 laptops. We stock all makes and models, including:
PC Sales
We stock a range of Intel and AMD desktop PC's which we sell either on their own, or with a selection of 17", 19" and 24" screens. We can also build a PC to your own specifications.
We also keep a regular stock of components such as RAM modules, Hard Drives, Solid State Drives and Graphics Cards as well peripherals such as Mice and Keyboards. Thermal paste and other consumables also sold that you might need for your own projects.
Due to the popularity of our products, the stock changes daily so why not pop in for a chat or give us a call.

Contact Us
You'll love the service, be amazed at the prices, and (hopefully) recommend Netizens to your friends and family.
Other Ways to Get in Touch:
Phone: 01727 859960
Visit Us: 108a London Road, St Albans, AL1 1NX
Monday to Saturday, 9 - 5:00pm